Hello follow bloggers
Day 2 Activites - Better late than never!
Activity 1
Two similarities between a wharepuni and my house are:
1) The walls are made of timber
2) The roof is the same shape
Two differences bewteen a wharepuni and my house are:
1) We have a timber floor not an earth floor
2) We have glass in our windows and doors
Activity 2
Me doing my dream job as a Youtube blogger
Bonus activity
My favourite meal is .....
Home made pizza dough made be me and my mum with my choice of toppings -
bake beans
tomato pizza sauce .
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Monday, December 18, 2017
Summer Learning Journey
Hello follow bloggers,
For the holidays I am do something called Learning Journey and they give me an activity to do everyday.Today I was given some tasks to do. I had to learn about how the Polynesians were the first people to come to New Zealand and three facts about Maui.
Here are my three facts:
Activity 1
Here are my three facts:
For the holidays I am do something called Learning Journey and they give me an activity to do everyday.Today I was given some tasks to do. I had to learn about how the Polynesians were the first people to come to New Zealand and three facts about Maui.
Here are my three facts:
Activity 1
Here are my three facts:
- 1 Maui had four brothers, their names were: Maui-teha, Maui-roto, Maui-pae and Maui-waho.
- 2 Maui pulled the North Island (Te Ika A Maui) up from underneath the water and the South Island ( Te Wai Pounamu) is Maui's waka .
- 3 The hook that Maui used to pull up the North Island was made out of his grandmothers' jaw bone.
Activity 2
Dear Friends,
I am writing to you as I travel across the Pacific on our waka, heading to our new home in New Zealand.
I am pretty nervous about the new country, but I am excited to the country side and the new animals that might be living there.
The journey has been long. Our food and water has been rationed. We have seen turtles and dolphins.
I hope all is well back at home.
From Cerys
Bonus Activity
NO I would not like to be in a waka race because your arms would for sure be sore after doing that then the next day your arms and solders would be sore . So that is why I would not be in a waka race.
Monday, December 11, 2017
my lerning graph
Here is my progress graph for this year. It shows my results for reading, writing, maths and spelling and how I improved over the year. I think I am doing great at spelling
I need to work harder at reading.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
End of Term 4 Recount Test.
This is a screenshot of my results in our end of Term 4 recount writing test.
My teachers have worked out my average score for writing and I am at 3B.
This is at the National Standard for my year level.
I am doing great at punctuation.
I need to work harder at spelling next year.
My Maargret Peters Spelling Progress.
Here is my progress over the year in spelling. At the beging of this year I scored 24 in the M.Peters spelling test. This gave me a spelling age of 7.7 years.
In term 4 of this year I scored 33 in the M.Peters spelling test. This gave me a spelling age of 9.2 years.
I made agreat improvement but I think that I need to work a lot more on my spelling to get to the right level for my age because I am 10 now.
In term 4 of this year I scored 33 in the M.Peters spelling test. This gave me a spelling age of 9.2 years.
I made agreat improvement but I think that I need to work a lot more on my spelling to get to the right level for my age because I am 10 now.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
My reading running records resluts
Kia ora
Here is my reading running record level for the end of the year. I am reading at 10.5-11.5 yrs. At the beginning of the year, I was at 10.5-11.5 years. I am only 10 years 0 months old so I am doing great
Here is my reading running record level for the end of the year. I am reading at 10.5-11.5 yrs. At the beginning of the year, I was at 10.5-11.5 years. I am only 10 years 0 months old so I am doing great
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
math test
Here is a snapshot of my Term 4 results for the PAT maths test. I scored 16 points out of 37. I am not that pleased with my result. My score in Term 4 was 1 points more than Term 1.
Here is a snapshot of my Term 4 results for the PAT comprehension test. I scored 27 out of 37, I am pleased with my result. My score in Term 4 was 8 points more than Term 1.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Hello Fellow Bloggers
This week some people came to see Ms B and Ms H and see if learning together is empowering. We had to work in our groups of 4. We got a picture and had to use our 5 senses. Then we had to do it ourselves. Can you guess where am I?
This week some people came to see Ms B and Ms H and see if learning together is empowering. We had to work in our groups of 4. We got a picture and had to use our 5 senses. Then we had to do it ourselves. Can you guess where am I?
The fresh island breeze is blowing in my face. Palm trees are waving crazily in the wind. The bright sparkling water tastes like the honey and lemon drink my mum makes to help me feel better.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Cross Country
Hello Fellow Bloggers
This week we had Cross Country and there were 200 people at our school and lots of other schools that came. I was very excited because I like meeting new people. I got to see so many of my friends though it was so hot that I thought that I was going to die. I came 13th in my age group . After the Cross Country I went to my Mum and Dad's workshop and watched movies. Here is a photo.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Learning how to write reports about a scientific experiment.
Kia ora.
We are having a science fair this term so we needed to learn how to write a report about a scientific experiment. Our teachers chopped a piece of scientific writing into bits and we had to sort them out into the right order. We had to match the structure clues with the correct sentences and paragraphs. It was tricky. When we were finished we used the report to carry out a floating and sinking experiment using Blutack.The Blutack wouldn’t float unless we squeezed it into the shape of a boat. It was fun. Here is a picture.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Hello fellow blogger,
This term our theme is Up Up and away and it is all about science. In the first week back at school we did something with baking soda and vinegar. First we had to taste the vinegar and baking soda then we had to mix them together. It started to bubble an fizz and we had to taste the foam to see if it tasted the same. Here is what we did after that.
This term our theme is Up Up and away and it is all about science. In the first week back at school we did something with baking soda and vinegar. First we had to taste the vinegar and baking soda then we had to mix them together. It started to bubble an fizz and we had to taste the foam to see if it tasted the same. Here is what we did after that.
If we mix this two different cim
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Vinegar taste sour and it is a liquid. Baking soda is a solid, soft white powder and it taste salty and horrible. They are both food substances but based on their different taste, they must be chemically
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We predict that when we mix vinegar with baking soda an observable chemical reaction will occur. We might see and hear an explosion, fire, foaming, bubbles , fizzing or something else. THe resulting mixture might look and taste different. There might even be a difference size of the materials.
Baking soda
Container for mixing
Teaspoon for mixing
Step 1: Pour some vinegar into a container to a depth of about 2 cm.
Step 2: Use a teaspoon to measure in one teaspoon of baking soda
Step 3: Mix with teaspoon
Step 4: Observe and record what happens
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At step 2 the mixture started to fizz. A fizzing sound was heard, bubbles were seen to appear in the mixture and the materials rose higher in the container. At step 3, when the materials were mixed, even more bubbles appeared in the container rose even higher . When the mixture was tasted, the taste was unpleasant and was similar taste to the baking soda.
N D |
The goal of this experiment was to see if an observable reaction would take place when vinegar and baking soda were mixed together. The result of our experiment proves that our hypothesis was correct. We predicted that there would be an observable reaction, and there was. There was lots of foaming and fizzing happening and bubbles appeared which mean a gas must have been
Produced. A quick check online showed us that the gas was carbon dioxide.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Hello fellow bloggers
This week we went to the Auckland zoo on a Zoofari . When we got there we were allowed to go and see the animals. When we got back we had salad and sausages for dinner. Then we went on the night walk and my group got to see the cheetahs.
Next time I am not going to wake up at 1:00 in the morning.
Here is a photo of a Tasmanian Devil. I think they are cool because they look cute but they are deadly.
Ka kite ano.
This week we went to the Auckland zoo on a Zoofari . When we got there we were allowed to go and see the animals. When we got back we had salad and sausages for dinner. Then we went on the night walk and my group got to see the cheetahs.
Next time I am not going to wake up at 1:00 in the morning.
Here is a photo of a Tasmanian Devil. I think they are cool because they look cute but they are deadly.
Ka kite ano.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Learning Multiplication, Division and Equivalent Fractions.
Hello fellow blogger,
This year we started to do our basic facts sheets. We do basic facts every week but we don't do them on Friday. When we started we were only doing easy facts like 2x, 5x and 10x but now we are doing up to the 9x table. Soon we will be up to to the 12x. We had to make a Google sheet to keep all of our scores. This is my sheet. Can you find the highest score that I got for each day?
This year we started to do our basic facts sheets. We do basic facts every week but we don't do them on Friday. When we started we were only doing easy facts like 2x, 5x and 10x but now we are doing up to the 9x table. Soon we will be up to to the 12x. We had to make a Google sheet to keep all of our scores. This is my sheet. Can you find the highest score that I got for each day?
Monday, June 19, 2017
Recount Term 1
Hello fellow bloggers,
Last term we had to make up a story about a thing that happened in the holidays and I wrote about my first cousin coming up to help my grandma move.
Last term we had to make up a story about a thing that happened in the holidays and I wrote about my first cousin coming up to help my grandma move.
"Yoohoo," I thought. It was the day that me, Mum, Dad,my cousins and their mum were going to go to the movies to see the movie Moana. The characters were Moana and Maui.
After the movie we went to my grandma's pool to have a swim.
Next we went to a bee place. The bees were behind glass as you walked into a dark place that was like a cave. As you got closer you could hear the 1000s of tiny bees buzzing.
Finally, we all went to get ice cream. Me and my mum got mixed berry and the others got blueberry. They were fruity and delicious.
After the movie we went to my grandma's pool to have a swim.
Next we went to a bee place. The bees were behind glass as you walked into a dark place that was like a cave. As you got closer you could hear the 1000s of tiny bees buzzing.
Finally, we all went to get ice cream. Me and my mum got mixed berry and the others got blueberry. They were fruity and delicious.
My multiplication progress
Kia ora
Here is my multiplication progress for this year. In Term 1 I still had to learn my 5x tables so I was on Level 2 Stage 5.
In Term 2 I knew my 5x so now I have moved up to Level 3 Stage 6. I feel good but I need to keep learning because I still don’t know my 3x 4x 7x,8x,9x,11x and 12x tables
My basic facts progress.
Kia ora
Here is my basic facts progress for this year. In Term 1 I was working on Stage 5 and I got a score of 25/60. In Term 2, my basic facts score for Stage 5 was 57/60 so my teachers said I was ready for Stage 6. So, I did the Stage 6 test and got 44/45. There is some hard stuff on Stage 6 but I’m lucky because we have some expert kids in Team Moana who can help us.
Here is Term 1 stage 5 and
stage 5 stage 6
Kiwi Kids News
Kia ora,
This term every week for one day, we pretend that we are news reporters because we do this thing called Kiwi Kids News. I hope you like it.
This term every week for one day, we pretend that we are news reporters because we do this thing called Kiwi Kids News. I hope you like it.
Four picture art
Hello fellow bloggers,
Last term we transformed our face into four different cultures using Pic Monkey- it is called four picture art. Here are my pictures.
Last term we transformed our face into four different cultures using Pic Monkey- it is called four picture art. Here are my pictures.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Animal oneise day
Kia ora,
Today we had an animal onesie day because we are fundraising for the year 1 and 2's zoo trip. Our group dressed up as unicorns. Unicorns are mythical creatures that look like horses with a horn. If they were real they would be a mammal.
Today we had an animal onesie day because we are fundraising for the year 1 and 2's zoo trip. Our group dressed up as unicorns. Unicorns are mythical creatures that look like horses with a horn. If they were real they would be a mammal.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Mother's day
Hello fallow bloggers
This week we have been doing recount writing. I did one about Mother's day. We had to use similes and metaphors. See if you like my recount about Mothers Day. I hope you like it .
This week we have been doing recount writing. I did one about Mother's day. We had to use similes and metaphors. See if you like my recount about Mothers Day. I hope you like it .
Mother’s Day
By Cerys
EEKK!!! It’s mother's day today I said as I was slowly getting up to start the day. I had to get up at 6:30 in the morning to go to Paihia to do the Mother’s Day walk. There were 3 Olympians and one of them went to school with my big brother Kurtis, her name was Alexis. That day the sun was shining all day long like a sparkling diamond.
We walked to the Waitangi grounds and back. Mum and I walked 10 km-I walked 5 km to the Waitangi grounds and another 5km back. In that time me and my mum were talking to Alexis. we were walking as slow as a sloth. It was really windy I felt like a bird in the sky getting pushed around. We got a picture taken when we got to the finish line.
We got pita pockets with lettuce, chicken and aioli. The pita pockets were as good as lollies. Then we went home to see my cousins.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
ANZAC soldier
Hello fellow blogger
How's your last week of school doing because I know mine is going. Here is my thing link. We made a thing link inspired by the war that was a hundred years ago. We got all of the information for this from cenotaph here is the link. Here is my information about Robert Brydon an Anzac soldier.
How's your last week of school doing because I know mine is going. Here is my thing link. We made a thing link inspired by the war that was a hundred years ago. We got all of the information for this from cenotaph here is the link. Here is my information about Robert Brydon an Anzac soldier.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Swim for life
Hello again fellow blogger's ,
This week we had swim for life again. This time we had to wear our clothes into the water. We had to float for least 2 minutes in our clothes then we had to do 8 lengths of the pool . I was scared because I thought I was going to drown.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Maui - A Great Mythical Hero
Hello fellow blogger's, this week we were learning about mythical creatures. We had to do an argument about Maui being a great hero. I think he was so read my reasons below.

TITLE: Maui - A Great Mythical Hero.
Name: Cerys
Introduction I believe that Maui is a great mythical hero
Reason 1: Firstly, I believe that Maui was a great mythical hero because with his strength he slowed the sun down to make days longer.
Reason 2: Secondly, I believe that Maui was a great mythical hero because he pulled up the North Island with his powerful fish hook made from his grandmother's jawbone.
Reason 3: Finally, I believe that Maui was a great mythical hero because he was a great person to his brothers.
Conclusion:The reason Maui is an amazing mythical hero is because he pulled up the the top of NZ, slowed down the sun and was a great person, so that is why Maui is a great hero.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Swim Safe
Hello fellow bloggers. I hope you had a nice week at school I know I did. We had swim for life, the teacher taught us about being safe in water. The people in the pool raised their hand and the people outside the pool threw something in to them so they could grab hold of it to get taken to safety. We did this because lost of people around NZ are drowning in seas and pools.
Friday, February 17, 2017
This week we have been writing about Cerberus. We are doing Persuasive writing and had to explain reasons why Cerbreus would make a good guard dog.

Friday, February 10, 2017
This year we are learning about myth and legends our theme is Learn from a Myth, Became a Legend. We had to explain the difference between a myth and a legend - I choose a myth.
Ganesha the god of India
Ganesha the god of India
Is it a myth ? The story of Ganesha. Yes
The story comes from a culture.
It has non-human characters like gods.
It can have some real characters like plants, humans and other animals.
It is set in a certain place.
It explains a certain phenomenon or says why things are the way they are.
The story has a narrative structure with a problem/solution.
Country-India Hindu religion
Yes the gods are Ganesha,Lord Shiva and Parvati mother and father of the universe.
Charlie gave us this answer.
Elephant ,boy tree
Amethyst and Magic
In India
Why the god Ganesha haves a head of an elephant
Kanye said the boy upset Lord Sivar and Lord Shiva copped off the boys head .
Then Matthew said
Lord Shiva replace it with an elephant
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